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Help my dog is……

The Green's Approach to Pet Health

“HELP my dog is …….Itchy, yeasty, upset stomachs, has skin issues!”

These are the messages we get on a regular basis. In most cases the dog has tried with every remedy in the book; such as herbal cures and potions, kefir and other pre and probiotics, self prescribed homeopathy, hair testing and much more………………….

However, sometimes less is more. Throwing everything you can at the situation can complicate matters, often making things worse. Remember, If somebody tells you they can cure your dog with a magic potion, my instinct would be to RUN!

Research can be time consuming, who do we trust?

Social media & the internet provides us with so much information at our fingertips, is it too much? Does this make it overwhelming for you to find out what to do to help your dog?

We believe it can be easy for us to lose trust in our own superhero gut responses. (They really are amazing if we listen). If you listen to your gut instinct you might just find it is bang on the money.

If we wish to know more about vaccines we look to the world’s immunologists Dr Jean Dodds & Dr Ronald Shultz, then convey the information that we have gained to our open minded & holistic vets.

For worms we test the worm burden with a wormcount test

For food & nutrition we look to the nutritionists and veterinarians from the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society.

For Emotional and behavioural issues we look towards a positive trainer or behaviourist such as Dr Isla Fishburn, The Spiritual Dog Trainer & Nutritionist Caroline Griffith, Rachel Bean & the ISCP & ICAN.

One thing we never do is take anyone’s word for it, we question always, no matter what qualifications people are holding as nobody is infallible.

Can you be your dog’s advocate?

If you have a niggling feeling when being offered advice, try to listen to it, question it, research and see how you feel about it afterwards.

Vets can get quite a bashing BUT there are some wonderful vets who think outside the box. A good vet will work with you to find the best solution for your pet. You can always ask for a 2nd & even 3rd opinion & remember you can be registered at more than one vet practice.

Being open to new ideas such as what updated research becomes available can only benefit your dog. Those who say “I have had dogs for a zillion years and always done it this way” do not cut the mustard in our book. This isn’t moving forward with up to date knowledge, changing our outlook as we learn can be wonderful and even life changing for all involved.

For instance we frequently hear about dogs that have lived to 13 or 14 on a processed diet with only a little arthritis or other minor health concerns and a few pills. We want our beloved furry house members to be living beyond that, with no arthritis or medication, so we continue to learn as best as we can and support them in their journey of health & longevity.

If you are local please pop in and have a chat, ask lots of questions and then go off and research, we also have plenty of books you can sit on our sofa and peruse while you are here.

Here are some links & books you may find useful:

Picture of sarah


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